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Linux Users Group ShellΒΆ

IT blocks all inbound SSH connections from outside of the range so by default you can't ssh into Shell from off-campus.

There's a service on port 8443 to allow wrapping ssh traffic in TLS to bypass this block, so if you're connecting from a *nix client you can use the following options to do the TLS-wrapped-SSH:

Using package socat:

1. Single-Use Command:
ssh -o ProxyCommand="socat -,verify=0"

2. Add the following to ~/.ssh/config for a Persistent Config:
Host shell
    ProxyCommand          socat -,verify=0
    ServerAliveInterval   10
Using package openssl:
1. Single-Use Command:
ssh -o ProxyCommand="openssl s_client -quiet -ign_eof 2>/dev/null"

2. Add the following to ~/.ssh/config for a Persistent Config:
Host shell
    ProxyCommand          openssl s_client -quiet -ign_eof 2>/dev/null
    ServerAliveInterval   10
If you do the persistent config via ~/.ssh/config option, you can just type "ssh shell" and it'll apply the setting automatically. You can also add your username and pubkey to the host config for a very quick login. More information about the SSH Host configuration file can be found here