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Lab 10

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Snort Logging LetMeCry Exploit Alerts

  1. Log into pfsense -
  2. Accept agreement
  3. Install Snort
    1. System → Package Manager → Available Packages
    2. Search for Snort
    3. Install Snort
    4. Confirm
  4. Add Snort interface
    1. Service → Snort → Interfaces
    2. Add
    3. SUBSCRN
    4. Check "Send Alerts to System Log"
  5. Service → Snort → Edit Interface SUBSCRN
    1. Custom rule
alert tcp any any -> 80 (msg: "LetMeCry Exploit"; content: "GET"; content:"%3A%3A%28%29x0001%5E%28%3A%3A%29%28xFFFF%29"; sid: 12345;)
  1. Wait a minute or two for green check