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Page dedicated to making git easier to use for myself and hopefully others.

  • # indicates optional argument


git clone <repo> Clones repo

git checkout -b <branch name> #<branch to branch from>

git stash Stash current uncommitted changes

git stash pop Un-stash last stashed uncommitted changes

git pull Pull remote changes into current branch (if there's been remote updates to branch currently checked out)

git rebase <base> Rebase from branch (example: git rebase origin masterr)

git remote -v See remotes

git remote set-url origin <url> Set remote url for origin


If you want to rebase a branch based on remote master branch, git rebase origin/master is not enough, it will not get new commits directly from origin/master. You need to git fetch before git rebase origin/master.

Or you can use another way to rebase a branch.

switch to master git checkout master git pull origin master switch back to your own branch git checkout <your branch> git rebase origin/master then, your branch is updated to newest commits.


Git Cleanup Alias


git fetch prune

git remote prune origin

git branch | Select-String -NotMatch -Pattern "master|main" | %{ git branch -D $_.ToString().Trim() }

This link has aliases for Windows and Linux